atmosphere sound

six | fuga
27 | he/him | gay | chinese american
funne utsuho & M401-airou voicer/manager
amano naoki official illustrator & store manager
welcome to my main account!
i like to draw utau, synthv, and my ocs.
sometimes there is fanart of other things too :3
website | my etsy store!
life/music acct | nsfw art acct
■ art commissions status: currently closed ■
■ chibi commissions: view status

art by matsuda toki

six | fuga
27 (02.23.96) ■ chinese american ■ gay & married
i voice UTAU funne utsuho and M401-airou. my favorite utau are amano naoki and matsudappoiyo i love them very much!! shiine ama is another favorite utau of mine!
my fav synthvs are chiyu, muxin, ryo, an xiao, and mo chen!
in 2018-2019 i drew poiyo every day for one year, all of which can be found buried in my twitter or in these pixiv logs! 1 2 3 4 5 6
and in 2020 i participated in matsudappoiyo's official 10th anniversary anthology "SODANIR" as an artist❤
for art wips, music, and daily life stuff, check out my side twitter!if you are 18+, here is my nsfw art account (age req)also i make UTAU merch sometimes check it out

banner art by matsuda toki!


for a limited time, i'll be accepting art commissions. i will have very few slots available at a time and will accept them on a selective basis, meaning i will likely not take every request i receive. when the slots are filled, i will close the request form.for this commission period, i will contact & begin the selected commissions starting at the end of this month (september). please keep this in mind if you want to make a request!i'm hoping that eventually i will be able to have all types of commissions open, at all times, and accept them on a first come first serve basis. so if i don't take your request during this commission period, or i am not offering the exact style/content you desire, don't lose hope yet!if you have any questions, please DM me @seventhtune.if you wish to submit a request, please read each of the following sections carefully.

examples & price

i am only offering single character waist-up portraits with a simple background at this time. (a transparent version will also be provided)the examples below is the quality and coloring style you can expect. (the background may contain more detail and assets than what is shown here though)the price is $66 USD.


content guidelines

for this commission period i am only offering waist-up portraits.
the commissioned artwork is intended to be for personal use only (including profile icons, headers)
credit if use is mandatory.
please credit me as "sixlightyears" and/or with my twitter handle @seventhtune or @sixlightyear !! linking to my website is appreciated but not necessary.
・original characters
・personas, vtubers if it's your own
・vocal synth-related fanart only
・simple props
・simple backgrounds
・light NSFW and/or nudity (note: this option is only available for characters and commissioners over 18 years of age.)
・more than 1 character per art piece
・cover art (however, the illustration can be used as the cover image if used in a soundcloud upload, video, etc. credit is necessary and i will not make any adjustments after the commission is complete)
・standing art, reference sheets, character designs, and so on
・real people
・detailed/complicated backgrounds
・mecha, armor, weaponry
・complicated props
・hardcore gore, nsfw, certain kinks, etc

submission guidelines

・filling out the form does not guarantee that i will take your request. i reserve the right to refuse an art commission.・for the sake of privacy, i only ask for your contact email in the form (which may or may not be the same as your paypal email)・if i want to accept your request, i will contact you by the email provided to discuss details and payment. this may take some time as i work through prior commissions, so please be patient!・if you have decided to opt out for any reason by the time i contact you, there will be no penalty. a new slot will open for someone else instead. if you still want the commission but wish to be put on the waitlist for a later date, that is also fine!・i will not accept early deadlines or rush art requests.

payment & process guidelines

・if i want to accept your request, i will contact you by email to discuss details and payment.i can only accept payment through paypal. after i have confirmed the price and details with you, 50% of the price must be paid upfront so i can begin the commission. at this point i will ask for your paypal email in order to send an invoice. the invoice will be completed in 2 partial payments - for example, the minimum payment for a $70 commission would be $35.・i will not send an invoice until i am ready to begin your artwork.・once i have started the artwork, there are no refunds. (in order to avoid commissioners walking away with artwork at any stage without paying the full price)・i will send the rough sketch to the commissioner for approval before moving onto lines and color. any last minute changes must be made at this point and cannot be adjusted once the artwork is complete!・completion will be anywhere within 3-4 weeks. i have a full-time job, so commissions are my second priority and may take longer to complete because of this.・the full hi-res artwork (PNG & PSD) will not be sent until i have received the payment in full.

terms of service & use

・credit to the artist (sixlightyears) is mandatory, either my name, handle, or a link to my profile (depending where used.)
・i own all rights to the artwork unless agreed upon otherwise with the commissioner.
・reposting of the artwork by anyone other than the artist or commissioner is prohibited.
・only the commissioner may use the artwork for personal use, such as profile icons, headers, backgrounds, cover uploads, etc.
・using my artwork to create merchandise for sale is prohibited. prints are allowed for personal use only by the commissioner.
・commercial use of my artwork is prohibited.
・the commissioner is only permitted usage of the artwork on the terms agreed upon. usage exceeding the purpose of the project is prohibited and will result in an additional fee.
・once the commission is complete and sent to the commissioner, changes and/or adjustments cannot be made.
・any changes to the artwork made beyond the agreed terms and/or completed payment will be subject to an additional fee.
・edits, tracing, and other forms of reproduction of the artwork is prohibited.
・obscene and/or malicious editing of the artwork is prohibited.

in addition to general dni criteria (racists, homophobes, transphobes, ableists and so on: this is not a place for you) i don't support. proship, NFTs, or AI art either
people who (even blindly) fetishize and/or idolize asian and/or gay people, real or fictional: i have no interest in interacting
please keep replies sfw, as this is a sfw account and minors follow me here. especially if we are not friends/mutuals, do not send me nsfw replies/images.i may miss a reply or dm from time to time. apologies if i take a while to respond!!

for the bri/sendorma/nau situation, my warning post can be viewed here